
Thank you all for reading my rambles. All comments are read and appreciated. There have been some great comments recently so many, many thanks. I'm sorry if I haven't managed to comment on your blog I do read them as often as I can.

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Day 6 - Rain, rain and more rain

Day 6 of my January blog and it has been raining every day. My photo today is of the puddles in the garden which are slightly better than yesterday. I know it is not the worst we have had, nor as bad as other parts of the country but this is day three of being stuck inside and I am fed up so put my feet outside to get this photograph. One year the water came up to the bottom of our back door step, that was quite frightening so I feel for those people who have had their houses flooded out.

While not exactly GLASS the puddles reflect a bit like a rather bad looking glass, you can just see the reflection of our tree trunks and the hawthorn on the right.

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